Cloud Chain Solution — Finicial Blockchain Cross-border Trading

3 min readMar 5, 2021

Use Blockchain to Reshape the New Retail System and Reduce Costs

Cloud Chain will fully launch the retail traceability program, using blockchain technology, Internet of Things technology and big data to track the full chain of retail products, and collect information on production, transportation, customs clearance, inspection declaration, and third-party inspection, and mark each product with “ “ID card”, which fully displays product information in front of users, enhances users’ shopping experience, and strengthens the platform’s genuine mindset.

Use Blockchain Technology to Build Retail Trust

Blockchain uses technologies such as distributed storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm to shield the underlying complex connection establishment mechanism. Through the direct connection of the upper layer, the privacy protection of user data is strengthened, and consensus trust is established at low cost. Use new models to stimulate new business formats and new momentum in the industry.

The specific performance is as follows:

Decentralization: The intermediary trust system itself guarantees its authenticity, does not require the intervention of external trust endorsing subjects, and has high security.

Open: The system is open. Except that the private information of all parties to the transaction is encrypted, the data on the blockchain is open to everyone and the information is transparent.

Autonomy: Any artificial intervention does not work, reducing external adverse intervention.

Information cannot be tampered with: Obtaining a comprehensive information packet that cannot be tampered with by recording wallet behavior, which determines the openness, transparency and tamper-proof of transactions.

Anonymity: The counterparty does not need to make the other party trust themselves by disclosing their identity, which is very helpful for the accumulation of credit. The enterprise establishes its own visual credit score system by extracting data packets to manage the enterprise’s internal and users.

Establish an Intelligent Credit Quantification Platform to Break the Phenomenon of Commercial Data Silos

Through artificial intelligence + data sharing + cloud computing, the data islands between various branches are broken, and the accumulation of credit data in various industries is accelerated.

Build a Big Data System

The in-depth application of big data systems is the biggest feature of Cloud Chain, and it is also an important difference between Cloud Chain and other similar shared chains. With a big data system, starting from customer registration, the system will pay attention to the customer’s gender, age, occupation, consumption habits, product and brand preferences, consumption cycle and time. Through in-depth analysis of each customer, it can learn customer needs and even The consumption power and consumption habits around the area where the store is located can be analyzed and adjusted when there is a business problem.

Establish a Commercial Credit System

Starting from brand valuation, brand management, corporate mutual trust, and intelligent ecological value interaction, the formation of financial credit reports, in-depth credit reports, customer group credit risk analysis reports, customer credit monitoring reports, customized credit reports, risk management solutions, business account management Various report forms such as collection and collection. Mainly provide enterprises with comprehensive and accurate credit reports, and improve the management of customer groups and databases.




Cloudchain uses blockchain technology to build a new global trading platform.